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Exciting update on our coaching activities for this coming term and information on the Junior Club Championships.



Coaching timetable Up Until May Half Term


The junior sessions will start up again on the week commencing 29th April and will be a very short block with only 4 weeks up till half term.  In this time there will be no changes to the current timetable.  I have inserted the current timetable below for your reference.











16:45-18:00 - Performance

18:00-19:45 – Elites







16:00-17:00 – Improvers

19:30-20:30 – Skills & Drills 







14:00 – 16:00 Junior Play








The Performance and Elite sessions are invitation only as there are standard requirements.  Skills & Drills are for our adult members that play in the internal leagues.

With the exception of the Elites (see below), all junior sessions will be £5 for a member and £6 for a non-member. 

The up-front scheme this term will last 4 weeks to take you up to the May Half Term and will only be available to members. With the Up-front price of £15 this will give you one free session.  Finally, the Elites session will only occur once a week for 1 hour 45 mins and will cost proportionally more at £10 per session. 


Coaching timetable After May Half Term


I am pleased to announce that we will be putting on more sessions that sees the return of sessions we have had in the past but due to staffing issues, we had to put them on hold for a while.  We look for have a ladies morning back on for both squash and racketball (Squash57) plus an additional Improvers session.  We really hope to see more people playing squash down at BLTSRC and hope you are able to support some of our existing and new sessions!!!  I have highlighted the new sessions.








16:00-17:00 – Improvers




16:45-18:00 - Performance

18:00-19:45 – Elites







16:00-17:00 – Improvers

19:30-20:30 – Skills & Drills 



10:00-11:00 Ladies Morning




14:00 – 16:00 Junior Play







Regarding costs – these will be in line with current prices and I will share more info on this when we get closer to May Half Term


Junior Club Championships


This year we will run the club championships in line with the adult club championships finals day.  The date for the event is Saturday 27th April with timings likely to be from 1 – 5pm although this is dependent on the number of entries.  There are 3 age categories which are as follows:


  • Under 11
  • Under 15
  • Under 19


In order to be eligible to play in an event please see below:


  • You must be a member of the club (if you are not, it’s not too late to join and is roughly £30 for the year).
  • You must be under the age on the day of the event (27th April)





Coaches at BLTSRC


I thought I would take this opportunity to update you with our current coaching team.  As the squash is continuing to grow here at BLTSRC, as is our team.  In case you were not aware our current team is as flows:


  • Head Coach – Adam Fuller.  Current England National Coach working with both elite performers and Club players looking to improve their game
  • Assistant Coach – Mike Evans.  Level 2 coach that is involved during the week in the delivery of several of the group sessions.
  • Assistant Coach - Robert Dunford.  Level 3 coach that is currently away at University so helps out a lot during school holidays  
  • Assistant Coach – Josh Ryan.  Level 2 coach that coaches as weekends.
  • Assistant Coach – Grace Gear.  Level 2 coach and currently 95 in the world in the women’s game.  Grace will be doing more at BLTSRC in the coming months.


If you have any questions or would like to book an individual/ course please contact me on 07751 239472 or email 

I would also like to welcome any newbies to come along and if you have any friends that might like to come along to get in touch.

Look forward to seeing you all soon! 

Adam Fuller

Berkhamsted Head Squash Coach &

England Squash – High Performance Consulting Coach

07751 239472

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