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Get up to date on all things Squash & Racketball including court improvments and maintenance closures in the lastest newsletter....

Update on court improvement projects

We recently installed adjustable tins on courts 3-6, so that we have them on all courts and not only on courts 1 and 2.  For most of us, this is irrelevant!  However, the professional game is played on a lower tin height.  For those of you who sometimes play in the mornings, you may have noticed the amazing pro squad that train as part of Adam’s BEST Academy on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  They are now able to train on any court, and we have the flexibility to do things such as host a professional event or allocate them to other courts while we retain courts 1 and 2 for club events.

While this work was being done, we took the opportunity to make some plaster repairs to the front wall on court 3.  All 6 courts now have reasonably pristine playing surfaces - both walls and floors.

With that in mind, a gentle reminder not to wear on court any training shoes that are not for indoor usage and do not have non-marking soles, or to play ball games on court with anything heavier than a tennis ball.  There is a recent report that a football was being kicked around court 3 and there are some scuff marks left behind on the floor that suggest the offenders were wearing black soled shoes.  The plaster will not stand up to that kind of impact and shoe marks do not wipe off.

C oming soon are glass back walls to courts 5 and 6.  You may have heard the rumour.  Work starts on Monday 19th August and is likely to take about 3 weeks.  Please bear with is while this is happening.  That end of the corridor will be out of action and there will be added pressure on court availability for a short period of time. Hopefully, that will be partly mitigated by it being the peak holiday season; it is still school holiday season; Summer team matches will have finished; and new season team matches will not have started.

At the same time, to avoid any further disruption and court outages, we will be completing the installation of glass balustrades on the balcony, i.e. replacing the remaining wooden structure above courts 5 and 6.

By early September, we should have superb, modern courts at that side of the corridor, to match the excellent show courts at the other end.

Ultimately, we would love to have glass back walls to all our courts, but there is a bit more ’traffic’ behind courts 3 and 4, so let’s see how we all feel about courts 5 and 6 first.

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to John Shaw (contact details on the club newsstand just inside the clubhouse).

Club kit

Those of you who are long-standing members will remember that we used to be able to buy club shirts.  One or two of you can still be spotted playing in this vintage sportswear apparel, now in a lovely shade of off-white and with accompanying moth holes!

Adam’s BEST Academy is linking up with Dunlop for top-of-the-line playing kit.  And we have agreed with Dunlop extremely advantageous prices for a range of shirts that will be available to our teams and to all club members. We are finalising the details at the moment, including the additional local printing of club and player names. &n bsp;

We intend to organise a launch evening in association with Dunlop and Dave Walden’s Berkhamsted Sports, not just for the shirts, but also with Dunlop’s latest 2019/2020 range of rackets, bags, etc.

More news on this soon, in readiness for the new season.  Speak to John or Adam if you’d like to know anything ahead of our next update on this.

That’s all for now.  Suggestions for future content are welcome - we want to make the Newsletter something that helps you and informs you about what you want to know about our club.  We will continue to publish news on the club’s website and Facebook page; the Newsletter will supplement that, not replace it.

Squash & Squash57 Committee
(John Shaw, Mark Shattock, Adam Fuller, Gill Trimmer, Rob Harbron)

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