Wednesday 12 March 2025
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Yesterday the Covid-19 alert level was reduced from level 4 to 3 which might be the precursor to further easing of restrictions. We are anticipating some relaxation to allow playing of indoor sports and the re-opening of bars and restaurants.


To ensure that we are ready to respond quickly once the restrictions are lifted, we will be monitoring government advice very closely.  Until we receive formal details, we are unable to confirm any substantial changes but, in the meantime, we wanted to keep members appraised of the current situation and a couple of changes that are planned for next week. 

  • Limited access to toilets in the clubhouse will be available for players from Monday via the fire exit door close to the ITC between 08:00 and 16:00 (approximately). The ladies’ toilets have been re-designated for use by all members and the attached document details the system we are introducing to ensure social distancing.
  • A limited amount of seating will be re-introduced on the patio and lawn close to tennis court 3 for players subject to the normal social distancing rules. The seating will be organised to maintain physical distance and should not moved. Users must remain alert to the need for hand hygiene, minimising hand contact with their own face and shared surfaces (e.g. table-tops and seat arms). 

It is widely anticipated that more substantial easing might be possible from 4th July. The club is developing detailed guidance to protect members when using the squash courts and other club facilities.  However, in the absence of firm dates and clear guidance from government, it is not possible to publish details about how this could work.  That said, our current thinking can be summarised as follows:


  • Stage 1 for squash/squash 57 is likely to involve only singles play between people who are part of the same household and/or solo practice. We hope this limited access will be possible as soon as 4th July and we are already making plans to ensure suitable hygiene and social distancing can be maintained when playing.  The changing rooms are still likely to be out of bounds during this initial stage. 
  • Similarly, Graham & Claire are making sure that the club’s bar & catering facilities will be able to re-open safely as soon as restrictions are lifted. Like all pubs & restaurants, the club is hoping this will be possible from 4th July. The outdoor space that we can offer will make the club a very safe and attractive place for members to socialise once restrictions are eased.


Until squash/squash 57 can resume, it has been very gratifying to see the number of those players that have taken to the tennis courts. In addition, we have been pleased to welcome several new tennis members to the club.  Tennis is a great example of social distancing in sport and the current restrictions are giving us the opportunity to introduce it to some new players.


On a more practical note, work needed to resolve long-standing issues with retained moisture and poor drainage in the men’s changing area is nearing completion.  We have taken advantage of the closure of the clubhouse to complete this essential work now, rather than disrupting members after the re-opening.


We are taking all necessary steps to ensure members feel safe when they visit the club.  We have enough space to maintain social distancing, provided members are considerate and comply with the new procedures.  We hope to be able to bring more good news in the coming weeks!


Club Council

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21st June 2025: Tennis Finals Day 2025