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Now with autumn upon us and with new government rules about “groups of six” coming into force, we must make changes to our non-playing arrangements to protect you, the members, and the club. No changes to the playing arrangements (including supervised group sessions) are proposed at this time.


The changes to the current “summer-time” arrangements are as follows: 


From Monday 14th September:

  1. No more than 6 people should gather (unless you all live together) - this includes general areas and tables inside or outside the Club. Positions of chairs and tables must not be moved.

From Monday 21st September:

  1. Entry and exit to and from the clubhouse will routinely be through the main entrance door. Members leaving the clubhouse must give priority by standing well clear (at least 2m) of those entering. [When weather is sufficiently warm, bar-staff will still encourage members to use the outside area by opening the patio doors; the patio doors should not be used for entering the clubhouse].
  2. Members must not allow guests access to the clubhouse using their fob without ensuring that visitors provide their name and contact details on the paper records provided near the entrance door.
  3. Wipeable wooden furniture will be introduced into both the players’ bar and a section of the lounge bar, for the use of those still in playing kit after games.
  4. There will be a smaller cordoned-off lounge area with “soft furniture”. Members should not use this area when wearing damp/wet kit.
  5. To facilitate additional indoor seating, the queuing system will be re-positioned. When queuing to use the bar, members are still required to maintain 2m distancing.

When visiting the club please continue to observe the key behaviours stated by government to avoid the spread of Covid-19:


HANDS –   Wash or sanitise your hands regularly

FACE –       Wear a face covering indoors if you consider that social distancing is difficult

SPACE –     Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1m with extra precautions in place


The Club Council understands the importance of social interactions to members at a community sports club like ours. The luxury of a large outdoor area has enabled us to provide a very safe environment to socialise with friends. However, if we are to continue to enjoy these benefits, then Club Members must adhere to the 6-person rule.

At this very challenging time, the Club Council is working closely with Graham & Claire to continue to provide a safe social environment appropriate for the colder seasons. The Club Council will not always get it right, but rest assured that every effort is being made to make your club work for you. If you have any suggestions then please contact


Mike Hawkes

Club Chairman

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