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On 31st May, the LTA updated their guidance for tennis venues, tennis players and tennis coaches to take into consideration the easing of restrictions aimed at tackling the risk of Covid-19.

As a result, we have updated our guidance for members using the BLTSRC tennis courts. The new guidance (version 2)can be found here.


The club continues to follow closely the advice of the relevant national sporting body when assessing the risk to players due to infection with Covid-19. Unfortunately, currently there is no easing on the restrictions on the use of indoor tennis and squash courts.



  1. Doubles play is now permitted subject to players taking precautions to ensure that a 2m distance is maintained between players. Players should consider agreeing in advance who will play a ball that travels to the middle of the court.
  2. Although we still recommend that players bring their own balls, this is not a requirement. If players choose to share balls, special attention should be given to avoid touching their face during play. As previously it is important to ensure that hand sanitiser is used before starting to play and immediately after finishing play.
  3. Coaching can take place in groups of no more than 6 including the coach. Coaches are required to structure sessions such that the 2m distance will be maintained between players throughout the session. Please contact Chris, Olly or Tyrell to see what coaching sessions are available.
  4. If a player develops symptoms of Covid-19 after playing at the club, they must follow the government’s “test & trace” guidelines.




The Tennis Committee is considering the possibility of re-starting box leagues (singles first, followed by doubles at a later date) and more information on these plans will follow soon.





The Club is following the LTA guidance to maintain a safe environment for members to play tennis. Please be considerate to other court users - in particular, always keep the 2m distance from other players and use hand sanitiser before and after your game.


By observing the rules, you are helping to keep yourself and other members safe. We will not hesitate to act against anyone who wilfully flouts the guidelines and risks the safety of their fellow members.


We are doing our best to adapt to the ever-changing expectations and trust you will do the same – as we work together to get back towards normality, try to be patient and be kind if genuine mistakes are made along the way! 

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5th April: Kevin Mack Sings Las Vegas


9th April: Rock 'N Roll Bingo


21st June 2025: Tennis Finals Day 2025