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Welcome to the 2nd edition of our new monthly Newsletter - read on for information on Club re-opening details from 29th March.....



Tennis courts re-open Mon 29th March


2 weeks on Monday!  Finally, we can get back playing.


There is a link below to the LTA summary guidance of what we can and can’t do at this Step 1 stage of the lifting of restrictions.


We will be opening the booking system 1 week beforehand - to all tennis and squash/squash57 members - on Monday 22nd March, with a 2-week window for booking i.e. 29th March - 11th April.


In response to your feedback, we have made a few improvements to the booking system, and the tennis committee will issue a note to explain these, and some further refinements we have in the pipeline for a future software release, as well as resuming their usual weekly emails about Club Nights and other arrangements. We will also be issuing a reminder/update to the protocols for play and attending the club prior to reopening on 29th March.


Tyrell and his coaching team will be running Easter Holiday Tennis Camps and will act as our club keyholders for this 1st stage of re-opening.  The clubhouse will not be open but, during the daytime while Tyrell is there, there will be access to the toilets (but not the showers) via the fire exit opposite the Indoor Tennis Centre. Members should be assured that we have looked at court allocation for the Easter holidays and the camps won't impact on members' demand. We will also have a system in place whereby courts allocated to coaching can be released to members if they are not being used.


Squash courts re-open Mon 12th April


4 weeks on Monday.  Not quite around the corner, but nearly there!


Sport England have committed to publish their national standards for the return of indoor sport in w/c 22nd March, and England Squash will then issue their guidance on what restrictions will be in place for the initial return to play on 12th April, and how these will then be eased on 17th May, and then finally lifted on 21st June.


We’re lobbying hard to England Squash on social media for 12th April to be a meaningful return to play, with sides and socially distanced drills to be included, as well as solo, same households, and juniors.


Professional tournaments with spectators are coming back into place for the 2nd half of the year, including the British Open and the Canary Wharf Open.  And the Squash/Squash57 Committee are working on some comeback events at the club across all levels - we’re coming back with a bang!


Bar (outdoors) re-opens Fri 16th April


4 and a bit weeks from Monday.  Subject to the weather, Graham and Claire will be doing a bottle service and pizza takeaways on the terrace.


Did you see last week’s Gazette?  The (self-acclaimed, admittedly) ‘best beer garden in Berko’ and in the Top 10 locals that their readers can’t wait to visit again!


A game, a drink or 2, and a pizza, in some Spring sunshine - nearly there!


Job opportunity


After 16 years of maintaining our facilities to a high standard, our excellent groundsman, Pete Littlejohn, has finally decided to have the occasional lie-in in the morning (aka retire!). This has been on his mind for a few years now but now is the right time for him. Pete has done an incredible job for us over the years and we wish him well in his retirement. Don’t worry though - you will still see him around the Club playing racketball and imparting his extensive knowledge of all things BLT&SRC to his successor.


We will be advertising internally for a replacement.  We’ll issue it shortly and publish it on the club website if you are interested or know anyone who might be.


2 weeks to go until the phased re-opening of our club begins!  Can’t wait to see you there!



Club Council

(John Shaw, Matt Markwort, Phil Trimmer, Tracey Mackey, Mark Shattock)


LTA Summary of Guidance


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Upcoming Events


5th April: Kevin Mack Sings Las Vegas


9th April: Rock 'N Roll Bingo


21st June 2025: Tennis Finals Day 2025