Wednesday 22 January 2025
Tel: 01442 863393 | Email:
Berkhamsted Lawn Tennis & Squash Rackets Club


Club Teams & Fixtures


[images/al mens doubles 2012-13]


The Club takes part in several local leagues, playing against other clubs in Hertfordshire and the area around Aylesbury, all through the year.  We play in Ladies, Men's, Mixed and Vets leagues, all doubles matches.  The aim is for anyone who is keen to play in a team to be given the chance to do so at the right level.  


During the summer we enter the Hertfordshire League (HL) which consists of 3 doubles pairs playing a total of 6 sets.  These matches all take place on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.  There are 4 Ladies teams and 4 Men's teams.  The other 3 Ladies teams are spread throughout the Ladies league, giving players the opportunity to play at a level that suits them.  The Men's teams are equally spread out.


We also have several Men's and Ladies teams in the Herts Vets league which is a 2 pair league and plays during the summer months, mostly during the weekends.


The Aylesbury and District League (AL) takes place during the summer (midweek evening matches) and Winter (weekend matches) and we enter the Ladies, Men's, Mixed and Vets mixed.  These matches consist of 2 pairs playing a total of 4 sets.    


If any Club member wishes to take part in any of these matches, we are always looking for new recruits.  Please contact either the appropriate team captain if you know which team you would fit into, or Tracey Mackey, the Match Secretary at who will put you in touch with the right person.  We hold a few match practice evenings before the summer season (about April/May time) so look out for emails about these.   Team captains’ names can be found on the match noticeboard in the changing room corridor.


Match Practice

-Tyrell and his team at Berkhamsted Tennis Fit run a weekly match practice session from 7-9pm - alternating weekly between mens and ladies practice. To book on follow the relevant link below:





Match Fixtures

Winter Fixtures 2024/5

Winter 2024/5 Captains




Upcoming Events


3rd Feb 2025: AGM


21st June 2025: Tennis Finals Day 2025