Saturday 29 March 2025
Tel: 01442 863393 | Email:

Council & Committees


The Club Trustees are the ultimate owners of the Club's property and are appointed by the Club President following nomination by the Club Council. The current Trustees are Steve Elms and Judith Allnutt. The Club's President is Sue Wolstenholme, OBE.


The Club is administered on behalf of it's members by a Council of annually elected officers at the Club AGM, together with representatives from the Tennis, Squash & Squash 57 and Social Committees. The Club Council is responsible to the members for the running of the club and meets approximately every 6 weeks. Minutes from Council meetings are available here.


The Tennis, Squash & Squash 57 and Social Committees also meet on a regular basis to discuss and resolve issues raised, check on the progress of oriented projects and organise events and initiatives. These groups ensure that their sections are moving forwards appropriately in the interests of all members. Any issues that cannot be resolved or which need higher consideration are escallated to the Club Council.


Click on the links below to see our Council and Committee members:


Club Council

Tennis Committee

Squash & Squash 57 Committee

Social Committee

Upcoming Events


5th April: Kevin Mack Sings Las Vegas


9th April: Rock 'N Roll Bingo


8th June: Open Day


21st June 2025: Tennis Finals Day 2025